Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whine whine whine

Warning: This post contains a lot of migraine talk. May be boring. Proceed with caution.

For the past 2 weeks straight, I have either wokne up with a headache, or developed one throughout the day. These headaches range from being mild (tolerable with Excedrin Migraine) or pretty severe to the point where I end up taking my prescription migraine medication.


And I'm just using the last two weeks as an example of how bad it's been. I've been getting headaches like crazy for 2 months! Now granted, I have always gotten quite a few headaches. I would say it's normal for me to get 2-4 migraines a month, and about 10 less severe headaches a month.

I think it's time I go back to the neurologist. I just REALLY don't want to. I was on a migraine medication study for 6 months so I couldn't go in earlier because I couldn't be on any other medications while taking the "study drug". I'm 99.9% I had the placebo because I had zero side effects, and it didn't help or hurt me at all.

Now I'm off the study medication so I'm free to do what I want. I've been on a number of preventative medications in the past. Topamax (tried this one twice), Elavil, propranalol, Pamelor...a couple didn't work at all, a couple worked the first few months then stopped working. The side effects can be pretty weird. For example, Topamax makes all soda taste flat to me. Which is not too much of a bad thing since really, NOT drinking soda is healthier. But then there's the dizziness, tiredness, weird tremors, etc. Some cause weight loss which could be nice, but they could also cause hair loss...which is NOT very nice.

I'm trying to go natural right now by taking the supplement Butterbur. I've read a lot of positive things about it. Only problem is, it can take up to 2 months before I'll even notice any difference. I want results now dangit!

AND...I haven't even worked out for the last 6 weeks because my head hurts so badly, or I'm afraid that if I exercise too hard it will bring a migraine on. So what do I do? I'm so upset and frustrated with my stupid head that I'm eating like crap. Which makes me feel even worse, which makes me eat more. Ah...the cycle of emotional eating...

And let's not even talk about how frustrated I am at not feeling like I can be a good mother when my head hurts all the time. Let's not talk about how I can't keep as clean a house as I'd like to because my head hurts too much to clean or smell the cleaning chemicals. And let's not talk about how much it sucks to work while my head is killing me (listening to interviews through headphones, typing the interviews, staring at a computer for 4-5 hours a day).

Well, I guess that's enough negativity for the day. I vented, I feel better. Now back to work!


Mrstx said...

Girl that sucks so bad! Both my sister in law and my neighbors teenage daughter had botox injections for their migraines and had pretty much miraculous relief from it. Have you looked into that?

just call me jo said...

I know your pain first hand. I have 2-4 migraines a week some weeks. Sometimes more. I tried Topomax too. Hated it. It's supposed to cause weight loss. Not for me. I gained and was moody and felt awful. Imitrex is only thing that works with me and it's out in generic form now. One blogger told me she tried bio-rhythm stuff (is it biometrics??)and it worked for her. I've heard of people who had botox and some helped and some didn't. If you've gone to neurologist then you probably know about food and light triggers, etc. Wish I knew how to help. If I did, I'd be rich and pain free. All I can do is give sympathy. I think mine is partly hormonal and it got some better at menopause, but I realize you're miles from that event, so...good luck, sweet fellow migraine sufferer. It's so hard when you have little ones and work, etc. Ugh! I'm getting a twinge just thinking of it.

Denisse said...

Christy, so Scott shadowed a pediatric cardiologist last month and he was telling me about this condition, it's actually a heart defect called ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) it's basically a hole between the two atrial chambers of the heart; and I guess this condition is known to cause migraines. I remember him telling me about this and I totally thought of you, since you suffer from migraines.

It might be worth doing a little bit of research and maybe asking your primary care physician if it could be a possible cause to your migraines. I think they could see the defect in an echocardiogram.

Anyway, I just can't imagine the pain your must feel! I've been getting a lot of headaches with this pregnancy and it's sometimes unbearable! I'm sorry you have to go through this...but may be it's ASD??? It might be a long shot but you never know.