Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 25

Day 25 - A picture of your day.

Well, I'm playing catch up here so this was supposed to be yesterday's post. Yesterday involved a lot of cleaning, grocery shopping, babysitting my neighbor's kids, and a sisters' night (complete with cookie dough and the movie "Selena"). However, I don't have pictures of any of that! So I'll entertain you with pictures of today instead.

Josh and Trey are visiting family in Cali this weekend so it's just me, my oldest, and youngest boys! Having one child gone sure changes the entire sibling dynamic of a family. The boys woke up missing their Daddy and brother.

J.J. talked with them on the phone:

And Samuel kept looking for them out the front door:

There's a lot of playing with Little People going on:

I have a couple errands to run, maybe some yard work to do.

I also need to fold laundry. This is about half of what I will be folding today:

Then I still need to finish my paying work:

Don't worry, I still have some fun things planned! Like a hot date with this cutie:

We're going to stay up late, watch Star Wars, and eat junk food!

1 comment:

just call me jo said...

Have a productive, fun day. Hope you eat lots of that good junk food.