Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 27

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Okay, once again we have another poor quality picture of a picture on display. This is me about 12-13 years ago with my Grandma! Let's not talk about how chunky I look, instead let's focus on the fact that my hair is awesome. I miss it! Sadly I do not have the patience to grow it out again.
My grandma is awesome. She's been on a several missions for our church (I lost count after like 7) and can speak several different languages. She can sew like a pro (hey that rhymed!). She is now in her 80's, has had 2 hip replacements, and still extremely active! I hope I'm that active when I'm her age.

Anyway, I love my grandma and I hope I get to see her soon!

1 comment:

Alicia Curtis said...

she's served 10 missions and is currently a temple worker. and you do get to see her soon, she'll be down in April to visit!