Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 35

Day 35 - A picture of your favorite place to eat.

Honestly? Any place as long as I don't have to cook or clean up!
However there is one place that immediately came to mind, and that is...
I love me some Wendy's. Especially these two items:
Yup, I'm a dip-my-fries-in-the-frosty kind of gal. YUM!

And as you can see I am clearly NOT a high maintenance girl. I could've chosen any number of restaurants, REAL restaurants where you actually sit down and have a server. But no, the first place I thought of was a fast food joint and my two favorite items come off the dollar menu. Yup, I'm classy.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

We did that in college a lot!!! Lol!