Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 33

Day 33 - A picture of the house you grew up in.
Dangit, I was over by that neighborhood yesterday and didn't think to drive by and take a pic! Although the people who bought it haven't really kept it up as nicely as my parents did...so maybe that's for the best. I tried to look it up on Google maps but the picture they have is really bad, you can't even really see it.

So I'll leave you with this. Once again, a picture of a picture. This is circa 1995, I'm looking super dorky and so is my brother. Luckily the picture is such bad quality you can't see our dorky faces.
So that was the house I lived in for 9 years, the longest I've ever lived anywhere!
Then the year before I graduated, my parents built a new house and sadly, I only lived in it 1.5 years.
(that's my college roommate out front, she came to visit)

But when I dream about my growing up years, I always dream of that old house. That's where all my memories are.


wendy said...

that's where my memories are too! Loved living by you guys! Aw, the good ole days. Hmm, 95.... to go back. That was 1 year before everything went to hell in a hand basket.

AZ Larsens said...

It's kind of sad to think about those old days and all the hard times a lot of people from our 'hood have gone through since then. :(