Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 10

(I'm playing catch-up here in case you didn't notice!)
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

I'm afraid that now I'm a grown up, I don't really do "messed up" things anymore. But a friend of mine recently had a pretty wild night and I think I'll post about it here.

It all started innocently enough, AOAS (Aimee-On-A-Stick) simply wanted to attend a good friend's wedding. She was so happy to be there!

But then...things started to get a little crazy. She had a little too much apple beer that night.

And she started to get a little bit risqué!!

We encouraged her to mingle with the other guests but had to put that to an end rather quickly.

She tried to show us her break-dancing moves...

But we had to whisk her off the dance floor...this was a church wedding reception after all!

She was a little winded after that and decided to freshen up in the ladies room. OOPS! Wrong one AOAS!

She decided to square things up before we left.

And we decided to head to In-N-Out for a little late night snack. When what do you know, we saw real live "Jersey Shore" wannabes in Provo, Utah!

AOAS just loves In-N-Out, and In-N-Out loves her too.

Uh oh...not again AOAS! No pole dancing in public!

Luckily we called it a night and AOAS got some rest. She was all sunshine the next morning at IHOP for breakfast!

Oh sure keep me young and alive!

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