Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 17

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

I can't post about what first came to mind. And I'm having trouble thinking of something else. I'm having a crappy day. It was long and it was tiring and all I can think about are the things that I DIDN'T get done or situations that I could have handled better. I hate days like that.

Okay, back to the subject of this post.
Yes, I have finally joined the 21st Century and gotten my very own cell phone. Back in 2000 I actually did have a cell phone for a short time. When my contract was up, we never got another one. Finances wouldn't allow it and it was kind of weird at first but I got used to it. It's amazing what you can live without. I even kind of enjoyed it. I mean, it's kind of nice to just be "unavailable" sometimes you know?

But I started feeling "out of the loop". All my family members rely heavily on texting. Let's be honest, the entire world relies heavily on texting these days. And especially with my "difficult" children being in school, I felt like maybe I should get a cell so that I could be reached in the event of some sort of problem.

So, I finally caved. I now have a phone and I can text with it. Watch out world!

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