Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 21

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.

There are a lot of things I wish I could forget. A lot of past mistakes, past experiences, past memories, past relationships, etc. But I can't put a picture of anything like that on here. Because people in my "real life" might just look at this blog. The internet isn't private. It's not a place to share personal things you would never want other people to know...although maybe people seem to think that's what Facebook is for some odd reason. That's a different post for another day!

So I'm going to put a picture of something that is ALWAYS on my mind, and I wish I could just forget and not worry about it for just one day.
Seriously, it's always on my mind. I think most people would be amazed to find out the amount of money we manage to live on. It requires A LOT of very careful planning and yes, sacrifice. Somehow, we manage to make it work though! Who cares if we only see one or two movies in the movie theater a year? Who cares if we never go out to eat as a family? Who cares if we don't have cable TV? Who cares if Mommy goes an entire year without a haircut! (Just kidding...that has nothing to do with not having enough money and more to do with Mommy being lazy.)

Anyway, my point is, I'd like to just forget about it for one day and not stress about it! Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.

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