SURGERY: It went well. The doctor said everything went fine, except he did say the first suture device he tried to put in broke! These things are supposed to be virtually unbreakable. So he had to get a new one to put in him. That's...not very reassuring. But I'm going to not think about that and just think positively. All of that aside, Josh is fine, resting today like he's supposed to and hopefully will continue to do the rest of the week. The shoulder itself isn't hurting him so much today as the actual incision is, which I think is normal. So I will continue to set my oven timer and give him
Percocet every 4 hours!
Some highlights of Surgery Day:
1. Surgery was supposed to be at 1:30. The doctor was running behind so it wasn't until 4:30 that they actually put him under! 3 hours waiting in a hospital for surgery = not so much fun.
2. The crazy lady coming out of her anesthesia right before they put Josh under. We're talking, screaming, cussing, craziness. Again, not so relaxing right before you're about to go under the knife!
3. Me having to make small talk for an hour with a man who told me all about how his ex-wife cost him a quarter million dollars, and how he was "
bangin' a 36 year old woman". Why? Well, he did buy me a soda when he didn't have change for my $5, and he told me I looked like I was 23, when we all know I'm closing my final lap toward 30. Also, his girlfriend was the crazy lady from #2.
4. Josh coming out of anesthesia. Hilarious. Huge happy grin on his face as I'm walking up, then said, "Hey! I married you!" Also he told me he loved me, so I guess it's true!
Bubba seeing his Daddy walk in the house, his bad shoulder/arm was inside his button down shirt, his good arm was in the sleeve like normal.
Bubba said, "Daddy! They cut your arm off!" It took awhile for us to convince him otherwise, he wasn't necessarily believing the iodine stained arm/hand under the shirt was his Daddy's real arm...
6. While I was getting the bed ready with pillows and such for Josh to lie down, Josh was using the bathroom. I was nervous about leaving him alone because he was really dizzy and kept tipping over while we were walking. Anyway, Josh knew I was worried and so while I was in the bedroom, suddenly I hear the shower doors banging really hard! So I RAN in there, afraid had had fallen on his shoulder he'd just had surgery on, only to find him standing there, perfectly fine, with a smile on his face, saying, "
Haha." If he hadn't JUST had surgery, I would've decked him.
At this moment, I am baking a chocolate cake at the
patient's request. Why? Because someone brought the nurses a chocolate cake yesterday and we watched them eat it for 3 hours while we waited...for 3 hours...while Josh was fasting for his surgery! Pure torture for the poor guy. So I promised him I would make him one today!