Friday, October 24, 2008


It all starts out as something little, something that doesn't seem that weird or crazy. But then one day you realize, you have lost your mind. You do things for no apparent reason. Things that other people look at you for and think, "Wow, she's nuts."

Case in point:
A regular grocery bag.

Folded in fourths.

Rolled up.

And tied.

Why you ask? Well, so I can turn all of this:

Into this:

For no apparent reason.


Jenny said...

Come to my house, PLEASE! I just got home tonight from a family reuion. I have clothes everywhere, suitcases all over the floor, etc. I could use some OCD my way!!!

Mrstx said...

Um....just wow!

Hey...if you feel compelled to make something out of plastic bags...try Plarn! Oh yes...that would be plastic yarn.

Anonymous said...


dm said...

I can't believe that I didn't comment on this when I saw it.... I had to show Diego we were laughing (w/you not at you!) That is pretty dang funny!