Monday, December 15, 2008

From the mouths of my babes:

"Hey, when I grow up, and I have a Daddy face, and big shoes, then I'm gonna marry iCarly."
- Trey

"Can you count how many cars are in Arizona?"
"Can you count how many clouds are in the sky?"
"Can you count how many grasses are in the backyard?"
"Can you count how many freckles you have?"
"Can you count how many freckles Daddy has?"
(and on and on and on...all day long...)
- J.J.

"Mommy! Your eyeball is cracking!" (my eyes were bloodshot)
- Trey

"Mommy, I'm going to dream about going poopoo in the potty." (that's what I dream you're gonna do too Trey...)
- Trey

"Tree! Tree! Tree!"
- Samuel (about the Christmas tree)

"Barack Obama! Barack Obama! Barack Obama!"
- J.J. and Trey (whenever they see his picture)


motivated said...

I hate to admit I don't know who iCarly is!

Holly said...

Ha! That cracks me up!!!! Oh man! I have so much to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

Do you laugh all day long? I would be.

~Penny~ said...

I give you parents so much credit....for having all the patience in the world!

I don't know what an iCarley is either:( !

~Penny~ said...

Thanks for the invite! I got it....:)

AZ Larsens said...

Okay everyone, iCarly is a TV show on Nickelodeon. It's pretty much aimed at pre-teens but it's on after Spongebob so sometimes my boys catch a bit of it.

Denisse said...

wa ha ha hahahahahaha!!!! Those boys are HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! gotta love what kids come up with sometimes!!!!!! I guess it shows that their little brains are thinking all the time. :)

Denisse said... might think this is funny...a few minutes ago I ask Brielle, did you like the soup? (they just had soup for lunch) her response was "no, it was disgusting." I laughed non-stop for a good 5 minutes!!!! it's a good think they can make us laugh!!!:)

wendy said...

Oh, aren't they fun!

Anonymous said...

The daddy face stuff is classic... so funny!!!

Unknown said...

Too funny, thanks for always making me laugh. I love that Trey wants to dream about pooping. haha!