Monday, February 28, 2011

Day Six

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

I know I know...I should pick somebody famous or rich right? Vanessa Paradis! (just Google who she's married to and it will all make perfect sense)

But honestly? The person I'd love to trade places with for a day would be my husband Josh.

There are many reasons I wish this. How awesome would it be for him to see what I deal with on a daily basis!? (kids, working at home, cleaning, errands, shopping, appointments, blah blah blah)

And I'm being completely fair here, I would like to see what it's like for him to work full-time, always feeling tired, dealing with the kids, the yard work, dealing with me...haha...

Mostly though, I'd love to have the chance to really understand what goes on inside his head. Sometimes, and I know this sounds totally weird, it's hard for me to understand that Josh is a totally separate person from me. See, I told you that would sound weird! I mean obviously we are two separate people. What I mean is he DOES NOT think the same way I do! He and I are on completely different wavelengths when it comes to problem solving, emotions, opinions, etc. Have you ever heard that song "Opposites Attract"? Yeah, that's us. Now I'm not saying that one is better than the other. I'm just saying I would jump at the chance to really understand him better by switching place for a day!

And now I'll end this post with what is possibly my most favorite picture of all time:


just call me jo said...

How nice that he's the one you would be. He must be marvelous if he picked you.

Unknown said...

You couldn't have said that better. Wouldn't I love to get into Cody's head.
Love that last picture. BWHAHAH!