Sunday, February 20, 2011

3 things I want to blog about, in no particular order

1. Awesome friends! Do you have friends that you really feel have been "sent" to you for a specific time in your life, for a specific reason? Well, I have an AWESOME group of friends that I KNOW were sent to me when I needed them most. I could do an entire blog post on these girls and how they have literally saved my sanity. (And none of them even live in my state!) I'll save that blog post for another time though. For now, here's a public shout out to "L" to say thank you for the cute birthday card! RAWR! (in other news, I turned 32 last month...yikes!)

2. Next I'd like to talk about chocolate. I LOVE dark chocolate. I may or may not have a constant emergency supply of dark chocolate in my fridge. My family all knows about this about me and so when my BIL married a girl from Ukraine last October, she brought some Ukrainian chocolates and made sure I got some of the dark chocolate ones. And I can say this with confidence, that THIS:
was hands down, the BEST piece of chocolate I have EVER eaten in my ENTIRE life. I will dream about this chocolate until the day I die. Seriously. That good. So good that when I discovered a piece of it melted in the car on the way home, I almost cried. Then I put it in the fridge and ate it anyway. Whew! Crisis averted.

3. Next we have my boys. What is it about them all dressed up for church that always makes me want to grab my camera?

J.J. has developed an obsession lately. An obsession over the presidents of our great country, the United States of America! I'm not kidding, this kid knows more random facts about random presidents than I have even known, or care to know! An example? This morning we were watching Legacy (a movie put out by our church about the pioneers) and at one point on screen it said the year was 1838. J.J. pipes up, "Oh! Martin Van Buren was the president!" Um...what? What 7 year old knows that?! Oh 7 year old does.

Anyway, going along with this new obsession he has started collecting coins. He used some money he had received for his birthday to buy the first 16 presidential gold dollars released so far. See how happy he is?

Then of course we have Trey. Oh Trey... what can I say? I just love this boy. I spend more time stressing over this child and his ADHD than the other 2 combined. Like I recently posted in a Facebook status update, "Oh make my life interesting." And boy does it ever! Sometimes I don't know how it is possible to pack so much personality into one little body. I could probably have a blog just dedicated to the crazy things he says. He's my most difficult, most emotional, most sweet/loving/caring, most difficult (did I say that already?) child.

And then of course we have the baby, Samuel. Samuel is my quiet one. And I don't just mean because of his speech delay! He has always been my quiet one. He was the quietest, most well-behaved baby EVER. He's still quiet, but now he's also sneaky which usually translates into he's being sneaky AND naughty! Still though, I love his little face. I don't think it will matter how big he gets, he's my last baby so I think I'll always think of him as THE baby. He is rarely without his "blankie" and his "cozy" (milk).

And that is all for today. Thanks for reading!


Cammie said...

It is a pretty amazing group of girls, isn't it? I'm as equally blessed, if not more so, to have you as a friend. You are such an amazing person.
I will find you chocolate.
You're boys...sooo sweet!

Cammie said...

YOUR boys are sweet. Not YOU ARE boys.

Denisse said...

ha ha ha! Trey's shirt cracks me up! "I didn't do it" so funny! He is sure cute even if he's a handful. It reminds of the day Scott asked Braden about the mess in the toy closet and he said, "it's a long story dad." ha ha!:) Children, children...Trey is definitely lucky to have a mommy like you. Love the picture of the 3 of them in their white shirts and ties! So cute!

Terina said...

Shees I want to grab the camera every sunday too! Why is that?

Ali said...

We're so alike it's uncanny (your list about yourself) Bring on the books, dark chocolates and last names ;) We'll just have to trade the 3 boys for my 3 girls sometime to give you a peek at the other side of things! Great blog!