Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day Two

A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.

Hmm, this is a hard one. Do I pick Josh? We have been married 10 years so I guess that counts as being close right? Picking my husband just seems like a cop out though.

So I think I'll SISTER NIKKI! Come on down Nikki! You've just won a shout out on my blog!

Wow, this is the only picture I could find of just the two of us together. I think we need to fix that because that is just sad. Anyway, this was taken a couple of years ago in Utah at a family reunion. We hiked to this awesome waterfall (Stewart Falls to be exact). Look at us...looking all outdoorsy and stuff!

So yes, even though Nikki is 9 years younger than me, we still manage to keep our sisterly bond strong!


just call me jo said...

You look like twins. ;o) (That should make you feel better since you are a little older. I don't know how that'll set with her, but I don't know her, so...) Cute!

nikki said...

YESSSSS! people think we're twins! i definitely take that as a compliment! and really, besides the age thing, we basically are! and i hope you recognize that you posted this at exactly 11:11 A.M. this post was definitely meant for me!

wendy said...

gotta love sisters!