Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day One

The 60 Day Challenge

I'm fresh out of blog ideas but saw one of my FB friends doing this and thought it would work for my blog.

DAY ONE: A picture of yourself with 15 facts.

Yuck, now I have to find a picture of myself.
Okay here's one from our cruise last October that I never got around to blogging about.
That's me, in Ensenada, Mexico. Yes, that wall is covered in bird crap.

Okay, 15 facts:

1. I hate wearing lipstick. It just feels gross and I think it looks funny on me! I'll do lip gloss but mostly I'm a chapstick girl.
2. I have a degree in Social Work. I hope to never work in that field ever again. I chose my major because I wanted to help people. But once I got out there and starting working in my chosen field, I discovered that...I don't really like people all that much.
3. I hate it when people clip their nails in public. What is up with that? Gross. There was a lady at one of my old jobs that would do this! In a professional office setting, she would just clip her nails and let them just fall on the floor.
4. I love to read and would read all day if I could.
5. I've had 3 last names but only been married once.
6. I can't sleep unless I have some type of white noise. Like a fan, or a white noise machine. I always take either of these with me when I travel.
7. I am DEATHLY afraid of all insects/spiders. I don't think you understand my fear. It's intense.
8. I refuse to buy anything unless it's on sale or I have a coupon.
9. I am totally and completely anti-tanning. In the summer I wear nothing less than SPF50 at all times, and a giant floppy hat. In fact, to my friends' husbands I am known as "the really white one". I find this funny!
10. I have recently discovered I am an emotional eater. No wonder I've gained 15 pounds over the last 2 years right? In related news, I always keep a supply of dark chocolate in my fridge for those really crappy days.
11. I'm not a big fan of animals. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate animals. I just don't want to be near them, I don't want them touching me, licking me, etc. I want to view them from a safe distance. I pretend to like animals for my kids, so they don't turn out like me.
12. I like to clean and organize.
13. I might have some OCD tendencies.
14. I'm done having kids. No, I'm not going to keep trying for a girl. I like having all boys!
15. I type 104 WPM.


just call me jo said...

I find you fascinating. As a fellow sociology student who doesn't like socially needy people, OCD, emotional eating, cleaner I am sure we'd have a lot in common. But I'm old, like to tan, love animals, and can't type fast at all.

~Penny~ said...

I am a school counselor and I hate kids. I thought I would love it-and sometimes I do but most of the time...i don't like them!! This post made me laugh. Keep it up!

Holly said...

I second the lipstick/chapstick deal. I hate lipstick and I would die without chapstick!

Michele said...

OMGOSH... I love you! :D

wendy said...

blog stalk much? sorry i started reading and kept going. I'm so behind and I feel the need to comment! don't mind me!