Thursday, March 18, 2010

Green Green and more Green

Yesterday was a major holiday in the Larsen household, St. Patrick's Day. As B told me, "I'm so happy today because it's a holiday!"

We did the usual, green waffles, green milk, wearing green head to toe, playing with all green toys. Each of the boys also grew their own clovers, which unfortunately did not reach full clover status by St. Patrick's Day, but are lucky nonetheless!
Even the biggest leprechaun got in on the action! I got pinched while I was making the waffles because I hadn't had time to change from my PJ's. Apparently having green eyes does NOT save you from St. Patty's Day pinching.


*MARY* said...

Looks like so much fun. My kids just ate cereal for breakfast, and it wasn't even lucky charms.

Jenny said...

What fun!!! That is AWESOME! My girls were so sad, I totally spaced it this year! My brain is not doing so good these days! :)