Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A tribute to my love for surveys.

1. Is there anything hanging from your vehicle's rear view mirror?
A Polynesian war helmet. Josh is part Samoan so you know I gotta represent!

2. When you go into the bathroom, do you ever check behind the shower curtain? You know, to make sure no one is miraculously hiding back there.
No. But thanks for creating a new source of paranoia for me.

3. At what age did your mom or dad give you "the talk" about sex?
I don't think I ever really got "the talk" with all the details. Just an "in general" talk when my mom was pregnant. When I finally realized what it all actually involved, I was pretty horrified/disgusted.

4. If you could add anything at all to an airplane to make trips more interesting, what would it be and why?
Separate cabins, that way you don't have to deal with other people.

5. What is one thing you and your significant other can never seem to agree on?
I think a better question might be what DO we agree on. And that is, not much! We are opposites in many many ways, but I think that just makes things more interesting.

6. Have you ever walked in on someone else having sex? How did you and the people involved react?
My mom swears I walked in on her and my dad. I do not remember this, and I am glad. Thank goodness for repressed memories.

7. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What is one topic that can put you to sleep quicker than any other?


Jenny said...

I miss you! As I read this I could see you answering those questions! You crack me up!

Unknown said...

That was hilarious! I really do wish they would make separate cabins on an airplane especially for babies.
That Taco Bell picture of Samuel is just amazing. Go JOSH!

Lainie said...

Hey - it's so nice to see what your family has been up to! I can't believe your oldest is in kindergarten! Yeah for you!
