Sunday, January 31, 2010

Year of the Zoo

With money we received for Christmas from various relatives, we decided to buy a membership to the local zoo. I've never been a big fan of the zoo. I just...don't really like animals. Wait, that may have come out wrong. It's not that I don't like animals, it's just that I don't like to be NEAR animals. They smell, they're dirty, I just...don't want them touching me. Do not even get me started on the petting zoo... Anyway, suffice it to say that I hated trips to the zoo as a kid. It smelled, it was usually hot, and I remember the Phoenix Zoo being pretty ghetto.

But kids are supposed to love animals right?! And what kind of mom would I be if I didn't encourage that? So we went ahead and made the commitment, and bought a membership. We will be going to the zoo A LOT this year to make sure we get our money's worth. And let me just say, the Phoenix Zoo has made some big improvements! It is no longer the gross, smelly, dirty, ghetto place I remember. I've decided that as an adult, I like the zoo! I like seeing the animals from afar. And I entered the petting zoo with my boys (I did not touch anything) and even entered the monkey exhibit where monkeys are actually swinging around you, NOT in a cage. I was so brave. The things we do for our children right?

We've already been twice since buying the membership, the last trip I won't talk about because T had the MOTHER of all meltdowns and I spent most of the time in the van with him kicking/screaming. But the first trip was pretty fun and we got some cute pictures! Here's to 2010, the year of the zoo.


Jules AF said...

I went to the zoo last year for the first time in a loooooong time. I loved it. I love animals more than anything. I'm glad the zoo isn't as ghetto as you remember.

Alicia Curtis said...

Super fun!

I always had fun at the zoo, but I am with you - I don't so much care for animals - they smell. Thank goodness Daniel is highly allergic to most things so I have that perfect excuse to NEVER get dogs or hairy things. But I like fish, so we got 3 fish on Saturday. Very fun. One is completely ADHD and darts around. So entertaining - and I don't have to touch anything!

nikki said...

i'm going with you the next time you go! i love love love the zoo!

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.