Monday, January 18, 2010

My Daily Timewasters

As though my addiction to reading blogs (currently numbering 65 on Google Reader) and getting on Facebook a million times a day weren't enough, I also have my list of bookmarked pages that I check pretty much on a daily basis. You know, because it's not like I have children, or housework, or cooking, or my job to keep up on.

In case you too need some daily timewasters, here are my favorites in no particular order: (this one is a blog but still so hilarious I had to list it)


Jules AF said...

Youdrivewhat is one i haven't heard of!!! yeeeeeeesssssss

obewize said...

You may be wasting time, but you still get an incredible amount of work done every single day and I applaud you! I also hope my spelling was perfect. :0)

matt said...

my new favorite:

nikki said...

i totally just made a blog post almost exactly like this one without knowing you had done one!
we are so sisters!

Banal McStinkerson said...

HEY CHRISTY!!! That skittle car on I'VE TOTALLY SEEN THAT CAR!!! It's in Ft. Bliss. I've driven by it like fifty times thinking, "what a fag." I'm glad someone else thinks so too!