Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Boy Flowers

These are the "flowers" that my son picked for me today. Aren't they lovely? And he told me not to throw them away after they die, because the bugs outside can use them as brooms.

I love boys.


Mrstx said...

sniff...I love boys too! How sweet they are to their Mama's. And to bugs.

Jenny said...

How cute! I love boys too! They are so different then girls. My girlsare DRAMA!!!

motivated said...

I love that he thought of how they can be used as brooms later! I just gave you a "I love your blog" award/one word tag. See my blog for details. :)

Denisse said...

That is just so thoughtful!!!:)

LBP said...

Those are sweet! How do I get myself some boy flowers? Especially if bugs use them as brooms. I would have a clean front porch.

Angela said...

I just loving reading your blog about your boys. Boy flowers, now that is cute! I want some little boy flowers... ;-)