Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 38

Day 38 - A picture of the best part of your day.
The best part of my day is actually the best part of Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at this time:
Why you ask? Because that is when all 3 of my boys are at school, and I finally have time to turn this:
Into this:
Yes, today it took me until this time:
To accomplish this amazing feat. I put away stuff, vacuumed, swept, mopped, did the dishes, laundry, etc. And's time to go get Trey from school.

I actually enjoy cleaning though! Yes, I know I'm strange. With the house to myself I blasted first AFI, then some good ole CCR (a fellow blog friend quoted it and now it's been in my head since yesterday) and I got as much cleaning accomplished as I possibly could while I don't have 3 tornadoes leaving trails of destruction faster than I can clean them!


Maleina said...

I love the before and after picture. Especially the ball/balloon hanging from the ceiling fan :)

Terina said...

Oooh I LOVE the purple furniture!

Michele said...

Ohhhhh my goodness... my favorite part of this post is the fact that your "before" picture is like a dream in my head of my "after" picture! haahahaa!! :D