Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So a couple days ago I was putting my sons to bed and told them I'd sing them Christmas songs while tucking them in. I have to post this conversation I had with J.J. because I am still laughing about it.

Me - "What song do you want me to sing?"
J.J. - "Um...I want the Chipmunk song."
Me - "Huh?"
J.J. - "You know, 'Chipmunks Roasting on an Open Fire'."
Me - (laughing)
J.J. - "What's so funny?"
Me - "Honey, it's 'CHESTNUTS Roasting on an Open Fire'."
J.J. - (with a completely confused look on his face) "Chestnuts? Why would you roast chestnuts on an open fire?"
Me - "Why would you roast chipmunks on an open fire?!!"

Does anyone want to help me come up with the lyrics to the next hit Christmas song, "Chipmunks Roasting on an Open Fire"?


Jules AF said...

hahaha poor chipmunks. poe chimpunks.

Alicia Curtis said...

It sounds like a Weird Al remake, haha. I love it.

Holly said...

HAHAHAHAHA! That cracks me up!

Angela said...

That is super funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Unknown said...

That just made my day!

Denisse said...

I read this on your facebook and I laughed out loud and I still laughed out loud just reading it on your blog !!!! ha ha ha!!!!! Now, every time I hear this song I will think about chipmunks!!! ha ha ha!!!!!:)