Wow, there's a lot of controversy out there about New Year's resolutions! Blah blah blah, people don't make them because they're stupid and nobody ever follows through the entire year and they're a waste of time, etc. Well, I happen to like New Year's resolutions for the simple fact that it's a convenient time for me to look over my life, evaluate some changes I could make, and then start anew. Am I going to beat myself up if I don't do what I say? No. But still, I should at least try to improve my life shouldn't I?
And who knows if this is normal or not, but I need some sort of "jumping off point" before I make any changes or start any new thing in my life. For example, if I'm going to start eating healthier, I always need to start on a Monday, or the 1st of the month, or some definable time that signifies a new beginning. Beginning of the week, beginning of the month, whatever. So New Year's resolutions, here I come!
1. The typical exercise resolution. Up until about August of last summer, I was kicking butt at this. I was running 3 miles, 5-6 days a week. Getting my lazy butt up at the crack of dawn before my boys woke up (5:30 A.M.), and putting my treadmill to good use. August is when it all went downhill. Add in the holidays and candy and cookies and the fact that it's freezing cold in the mornings now...(I'm a wimpy Arizonian), and my lazy butt hasn't been doing so hot! (get it? haha...) So anyway, I'm starting off slow but sure. Hopefully I'll be back to my regular routine in no time.
2. Another typical one that if you were to look back in ALL my journals of my ALMOST 30 years of life, you will see every January 1st, I resolve to write in my journal more frequently. Well, I think I may give up on the writing part of it all. But a computer journal? That is something I can get on board with. My blog kind of falls into that category, but not really. Because trust me, you people DO NOT want to see all the inner workings of my mind. Too scary.
3. This is going to sound silly, but I am going to read some of the classics that I never got around to reading. We'll start with
Pride and Prejudice, and
Wuthering Heights, and go from there. It's just pathetic that someone who loves reading as much as I do, has not read these books. There are many many more. So I'm hereby dubbing this year, the year of the classics.
4. Enjoy my boys more. Too often I'm just getting through the day, running errands, cleaning, and trying to make sure I get my paying job done. My boys are going to be grown before I know it and what am I going to remember? I'll tell you, being stressed out and tired all the time. That is NOT what I want. I need to learn to enjoy the moment.
5. Date my husband. You know, keep the romance alive and all that. Seriously, it's hard work when you've got 3 kids, opposite schedules, and no money! Time to get creative.
And there you have it! Happy 2009.