Okay so I know the little stories about me being absent-minded might be getting old, but this one really is hilarious.
My family has a hard time getting to church on time. We just cannot seem to get out the door on time, no matter what time we start getting ready. We have 8:00 A.M. church, and while this may seem early to some, it is not so early to us. My boys get up by 6:30 A.M. every morning, rain or shine, weekday or weekend. So 8:00 church should NOT be a problem right? Wrong.
So today I decided my #1 goal would be: Get To Church On Time.
I set my alarm for 5:45, showered, dressed, makeup done, did my hair by the time the boys got up. Got them dressed, hair done, and fed. Got S up, changed, dressed, fed. Packed bag of quiet things to do during church, complete with snacks and drinks for the boys. Got my lesson and items I needed for my lesson all ready to go. Nagged J so he was ready on time. Load all boys and bags in the van. Drive to church.
Now by this time, I am feeling VERY proud of myself. We are not only on time, but 5 minutes early as we're pulling into the parking lot! This is when it hits me. Something is wrong. I look down.
Dress? Check.
Hair done? Check.
Makeup? Check.
Sweater? Check.
Nylons? Check.
Shoes? ..............uh oh.
I'm wearing my HOUSE SLIPPERS.
Drop off J, B, and T. Drive home. Get appropriate shoes. Drive back. End result? My family was indeed, on time. Early, in fact. I, on the other hand, was 10 minutes late.
(Valentine's post will hopefully be coming soon.)