Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bye Sari!

My little sis Sari is headed off to the big bad world of college! So we decided to have one last sisters' night before she left. You know, a farewell to Mesa since she won't be back weekend. Let's face it, she has a car and she's only 2.5 hours away so she will be back frequently! But still, it won't be the same. She's a grown up (kind of) now!

We started off by going out to dinner. We forced her to pick the place. And by forced, I literally mean forced. She is so indecisive! It was baby steps with this girl.
Me - "Sari, where do you want to eat?"
Sari - "I don't know, wherever."
Me - "No Sari, you have to pick! It's YOUR night! You have to pick your favorite place!"
Sari - "I don't have a favorite place."
Me - "Okay well where is a place you like then?"
Sari - "I don't know, wherever."
Me - "OH MY HECK! Okay...what kind of food do you like?"
Sari - "Um...Mexican?"
Me - "Okay! Mexican! Are we talking Taco Bell? Filiberto's? On the Border? Chili's? Serrano's?"
Sari - "I don't know..."
Me - "AUGH!"
Sari - "Okay okay...Costa Vida?"

And that is how we finally had a place to go! Here we are all ready to go. Correction, here we are where I am all ready to go and my sisters are making fun of me for being too overdressed compared to them. I can't help it, I don't get out much so when I do get a chance to go out in public, I actually do my hair (kind of) and makeup and put on jeans and a shirt without stains on it. :)
My boys wanted in on a picture too. Well, they all did until the last second and then Samuel tried to bolt but I forced him and then we got this:
Then since she had actually been up in Flagstaff the previous week getting to know her roommates and the "lay of the land", we made her dish up the details. Here she is ready to dish it up:
And here Nikki is ready to hear the good stuff:
And here I am with my giant scary eyeballs totally enraptured by tales of having to write your name on laundry detergent and food, splitting the cost of toilet paper, and weird roommate decoration choices:
We ate our delicious food and then left, and my crazy little sisters got in the fountain outside.
I didn't because I'm old and they said it was cold. Also I was wearing jeans and someone had to take the picture right? And then I saw a cricket almost crawl into my bag and I freaked out. I made Nikki carry my bag and empty the whole thing and make sure there were no other crickets that snuck in there. Have I mentioned my irrational fear of bugs?

Anyway, we got ice cream, came back to my place and watched a movie, talked, and had a grand ole time. I hope Sari has as much fun at college as I did! They really were some of the best years of my life. As I recently read in an awesome book I'm reading, Sari has "started a journey from which she will never really return."


nikki said...

haha what kind book are you reading??

AZ Larsens said...

It's an awesome book! It's the 3rd book in the series starting with "These Is My Words" by Nancy Turner. Anyway, the quote is about a girl who is leaving for college and it's so true, because you leave but you never really come back the same person. You grow up!