Okay I'm still playing catch up here. This trip was back in July!
Josh's sister and her husband moved to Amarillo, TX about a year and a half ago. They have 3 boys also, about a year younger than each of our boys. Needless to say, things get crazy when our two families get together! I wish we could live closer to each other so the cousins could grow up together. The trip to Texas was so the boys could play together, and so we could see what Texas was all about. I am ashamed to admit, I have never been further east than good 'ole Arizona. Not through any fault of my own! My family didn't start taking awesome family vacations until I was moved out and on my own. And by that time, I was a poor college student, then a poor newly married woman, then a poor mother with small children. None of those are conducive to travel opportunities! Oh well, life happens right? Anyway, I was pretty excited to finally "travel"!
The drive to Texas was probably the most boring drive EVER, in the history of the universe. Desert, desert, and more desert. That's what you will see when you drive through Arizona and New Mexico. Anyway, 10 hours later (which I drove by myself because I rock!) we were finally there! Driving into Texas my first impression was...this place is FLAT. Seriously, it was weird. I never really thought of Arizona of being mountainous, and it's not, but compared to Texas it might as well be the Rocky Mountains! It was a little disorienting throughout our week stay. I never realized how much I depended on the mountains to know where I was at any given moment. Still though, I found it absolutely beautiful. Look at that sky! 
The boys had SO much fun with their cousins. We figured that between all 6 of them, we had a 1 year old, 2 year old, 4 year old, 2 - 5 year olds, and a 6 year old! 
Mostly they played with bugs. Really gross ones. Which I might as well say now, might be the one part of Texas I most definitely DO NOT like!
Those are potato bugs, or "roly polys" all over his hands! Yuck.

Then the boys were collecting the potato bugs, and putting them in this old trash can, making a sort of "habitat" for them, if you will.

Oh, and don't let me forget about the snail collection...

Boys are gross right? But they sure are cute in their excitement!
There were a lot of trips to the park: (and a lot of failed attempts to get a picture of all the boys together)

And a gun safety lesson. Because after all, what is a trip to Texas without handling a gun right?

And a couple trips to Palo Duro Canyon! Can you believe all that red rock/dirt? I thought they only had that in Utah/Sedona, AZ. I was wrong. It was really cool!

Palo Duro Canyon was beautiful! But once again...I was reminded that Texas has bugs. REALLY gross ones. Like tarantulas and millipedes. Lots of them...

Anyway, we pretty much had a blast! And should the opportunity ever arise, I think I'll take my chances with the disgusting bugs, and move to Texas! Everyone was so friendly there, and I just love my SIL and her family. I know the boys would be in heaven to live near their cousins. Built in best friends, right in the family! Now if only we can find a good job out there and sell our house here in AZ in this crappy market...well a girl can hope right?