Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer Summer Summertime!

Since it is now officially Summer here...well, not "officially" since that's not till June 20 something...but still it's over 100 degrees outside and we live in the desert so I think that qualifies it as Summer in these parts.  Anyway, I have decided to try to be positive and come up with things I like about Summer.  Because really, I hate Summer.  I hate the heat, I hate the clothes that don't hide my fat, I hate the kids being out of school and bored, I hate dragging all 3 boys to the store with me, I hate my obsession with covering every square inch of me and my boys with sunblock, I hate the air conditioning bill...  

Wait, was this supposed to be a positive post?  Oh yeah...

So anyway, I have thought of ONE thing I like about Summer today, and that is NOT taking the kids to school!  I know right?  Sounds contradictory to my earlier complaining.  But seriously.  For the last 10 months, I have been driving B to school 5 days a week and picking him up after school.  For T, I have been doing the same 3 days a week.  This involved lots of rushing, yelling, planning, crying, migraines, etc.  


This week I have come to the realization I like having NOWHERE TO GO all day long!  No one to get ready, no one to rush, nowhere to be.  My boys have worn their PJ's or swimsuits all day long all week long, and I don't care.  

Yay for Summertime!  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The other day, I drove my son to school, and have no idea how I got there.  Seriously.

Has anybody ever noticed this phenomenon?  You're driving along, the radio is on, the traffic is normal, etc.  Then suddenly, you're like, "Wait, how did I get here?!"  Now I know this sounds scary, but hear me out.  At least once a week, I will drive on autopilot.  In other words, I will drive to my destination, and have no idea how I got there.  I don't know if I hit any red lights, if I changed lanes, if I followed the speed limit, nothing!  It's like, I drifted off into la-la land for the last 5-10 minutes.  But yet, there I am, my car is intact, I didn't get in an accident, no cops are chasing me.  

I doubt I am the only one.  Please validate me.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reminiscing and Such

Wow.  I am just not doing so hot at keeping up with my blog!  

School is out next week.  Yikes.  Things have been crazy as usual.  I had a TON of extra work this last month, which I am very grateful for, but which kept me stressed out pretty much non-stop!  I'm glad it's over but is letting out.  Augh!

Last night I went to my sister's chorus concert for high school.  My old high school.  I haven't stepped foot on that campus since I graduated 12 years ago.  (yikes, 12 years!)  But really, why would you go back once you've graduated right?  Anyway...  Being back there was TOTALLY weird for me.  Brought back lots of memories, not all of them good.  High school was not a good time for me.  And I just felt so old!  The lockers are all gone, replaced by picnic tables since they stopped having open lunch.  There are new sidewalks where there used to be grass, new buildings even!  Gates EVERYWHERE.  The school is practically a prison.  I was surprised I didn't see barbed wire and a crow's nest with an armed guard.  Even the trees were all bigger!  Anyway, it's just strange to think that so much time has passed.  I saw the place where I got a flower for Valentine's Day from this guy I didn't feel the same way for.  The place where all my friends and I used to gather in between classes.  The place where I argued with an ex-boyfriend and he screamed obscenities at me and then punched a door...  The memories were everywhere, good and bad.  I'm glad that time in my life is over, but at the same time, I wish I could go back, relive it and do things differently.  

I always think of blog topics at random times, just never get around to actually writing about them.  Let's hope I can get my act together and entertain everybody with my random daily musings this summer.