Sunday, September 20, 2009

The big SIX

Yup, "B" is officially 6 years old.  I'm way overdue in writing this post but, here it is, badly decorated cake and all.  We got him a bike, his first bike.  I guess I'm a little slow since everyone else his age already knows how to ride one already...but better late than never right?  Also please excuse my pathetic attempt at cake decorating.  Someday when I have tons of time and tons of patience (haha), I will take a cake decorating class and I will make amazing cakes.  For now, they look horrible but they taste good and that's all that matters right?  Plus he seems pretty thrilled about it regardless.  Just slap a Spongebob and Patrick on anything and my boys will love it, guaranteed.

"J" and I also went down to the school and had lunch with "B" on his special day.  We brought him Wendy's.  It feels so weird to sit in an elementary school cafeteria and eat lunch.  I remember it like it was yesterday but it also seems like a lifetime ago.  Anyway, he was very happy we came and was hugging us and holding our hands the whole time.  I am sad to think that someday he will be embarrassed to show affection to his mom and dad in public!  For now I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.  


Kim said...

I thought your cake was cute! I used to go all out, now all they get is sprinkles & candles! I love the new picture too, I was wondering when you were going to change that, lol!

Unknown said...

Cute cake! Happy birthday buddy!

~Penny~ said...

That cake looks fabulous! I could go for a piece right now.

When I started working in the schools again, walking down the halls, the smells, was so crazy. Granted I am in a HS so we don't have small tables, but still.

And I LOVE the new picture for the blog. They are adorable!

Denisse said...

oh man! Christy! I can't believe you have a 6 year old! Isn't that crazy? I remember when you and Josh were dating that one summer I lived in Provo!

Your cake looks AWESOME! You've got some cake making skillssssss Christy!!!:) ha ha ha!

Darin and Jena Bailey said...

Happy Birthday sweet bubba. Cant wait for cooler weather to see him out there riding that bike!!