Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Have The Power!!!

A couple weeks ago, we lost our satellite TV and DVR. It was a sad sad day for me. I had no idea how attached I was until it was gone. I would love to say that we haven't been watching as much TV, but sadly this is not the case. Instead, we've been introducing our boys to some of the classics. Classic cartoons, that is. For example, my all-time favorite when I was a child:
Why can't cartoons be as great as they were back in the day? Anyway, we've had some good laughs reliving these shows. I find it VERY disturbing though, that I can remember so much of this show! I mean, I watched this show when I was 5. In fact, for my 5th birthday I distinctly remember getting a He-Man sword, shield, and a record of the songs! Yikes. And here it is, 20-25 years since I've seen this show, and I remember in great detail what is going to happen next in a few of these episodes.

What can I say...I guess I've always liked a man with muscles!


Angela said...

He MAN looks way different than I remember. I LOVED the smurfs and Alvin and the Chipmunks. I even had a crush on Alvin (maybe that's why i'm not married I'm attracted to tree-living animals)!

Quader's said...

I LOVED HE MAN and SHERAH!!! They rocked! I have to say 2 of Jarae's favorite shows are Scooby Doo and Tom & Jerry.

Quader's said...

OH yeah Smurfs are a fav in our house still to this day too! Go little blue men with one female???? :)What was with that??

Rachel Hanchett said...

I loved watching it too along with Thundercats! HO! You should check out if you are tired of watching the same episodes, they have a lot of the classics on there including He Man and my girls have started watching it and they love it too. By the Power of Grey Skull!!!

~Penny~ said...

Thundercats was my favorite! Aww......

I could not survive without my cable. How are you doing??

Anonymous said...

heman, thundercats, transformers, smurfs, buggs bunny... all good stuff