Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Time does not go by so slowly.

So I was noticing the date a couple days ago, and suddenly it hit me. I graduated from college SEVEN years ago. I am so OLD. What happened? Wait...I know...I had 3 kids in 4 years and completely lost my mind in the process.

On that note, the last couple weeks the boys have been playing tag with a flu bug that's been going around. Today was J.J.'s turn. Obviously he didn't go to preschool, and I spent the day cleaning up puke. When he wasn't puking, he was screaming that he was hungry. You get the idea... Also Trey seems to be regressing as far as his potty training skills go, so in between cleaning up puke, I was also cleaning up pee. Add to that Samuel refused to nap today, and I had not only my regular work to do, but also this side project I'm doing for extra money that is due tomorrow. Oh yes, and let's not forget the headache that will not go away.

It's almost 11pm, the kitchen is not clean, the laundry is not folded, the toys are not picked up, but I don't care, because I'm tired and it all starts again tomorrow!

Gotta love it.


wendy said...

Oh man, sounds pretty crazy around there! I can't imagine 3 boys under the age of 4! You are brave. I hope everyone gets better soon.

vanessa said...

oh my, i really do hope things start turning around for ya! we really should get the kids together for a play date!!!

Unknown said...

I bet that headache made your day even worse! Hopefully you had a better day today and that everything got done.

motivated said...

I know what you mean... inside I still feel like I'm 17! LOL! But I'm freaking almost 30. Hope you get everything done that you want to!

Denisse said...

Christy, isn't it crazy how things change? 7 years ago you were enjoying your single free life and now you are cleaning puke!!!!:):):) But we just can't imagine our lives without these little ones, they sure make us progress whether we want to or not and I'm sure there is a lot of laughter in your home from all the funny things they say and do!!!!:)

Denisse said...

Man! 3 kids in 4 years!!!! you are one amazing woman!!!!!:):)

Jenifer said...

Wow... sounds fun :) I hope everyone is feeling better now.

I can't believe you are still at TE. That's awesome. You've been doing it for so long now. I couldn't continue with 1 kid going on 2 and so I really don't know how you are doing it with 3. I am in awe!

Talk to you soon. We really should get together soon.