Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My baby is a big boy :(

So last Saturday, my oldest son turned 7.  I can't believe it!  I should probably try to remember his birth story and document it on here since it was pre-blog days but...maybe it's something best forgotten!  Oh well, I'll do it anyway.  And look, I even found old pictures to go with the story!

Yikes...I put on a few lbs. during pregnancy.  

Here's the story in a nutshell.  He was induced at 38 weeks because he was huge, and my dr. was afraid if he went to 40 weeks he would be over 10 lbs.  (huge babies run in my family)  So I checked into the hospital on the 27th at about 6:30 to start the process.  Blah blah blah, had to do a lot of crap to prepare since I wasn't effaced or having contractions or anything.  Also had a really mean nurse who kept saying she didn't think I should be induced, and she shoudl send me home.  "Hey guess what, NOT your call lady!  Do you have an MD?  No, that's what I thought."  So all day I was scared I would be sent home until finally they broke my water that afternoon and started the pitocin.  Also got my epidural.  (And the mean nurse left!)  Then came the longest night of my ENTIRE life.  Lots of puking, the worst headache ever that I thought was a migraine but turned out to be a spinal headache from the epidural.  I didn't say anything about it because I was scared to death they would stop my epidural!  I hardly progressed at all the entire night.  Finally at about 4:00 in the morning, I felt crazy pressure and like I needed to push.  It's a weird feeling...

Pushed the button and called the nurse in who checked me and then did that thing that medical people do when they're freaking out but pretending everything is fine.  Turns out I went from a 3 to a 9 in about 20 minutes!  'Cause that's how I roll.  Doctor arrives, and I push for 2 hours.  Beforehand I was determined not to use any suction or anything to pull that baby out of me.  But thanks to J.J.'s GIANT HEAD, after two hours the dr. asked me and I said, "Just do whatever to GET HIM OUT!"  

Poor thing had a swollen lump on his head afterwards but I was so out of it that I missed the worst of the swelling.  He was 8 lbs. 12 oz.  He had a little difficulty breathing so they rushed him away to the nursery and I was pretty much comatose for a couple hours.  The spinal headache, being up for over 24 hours, pushing for 2 just wiped me out.  

When I finally did get to see him and hold him,'s indescribable holding your child for the first time.  And boy oh boy, was he CUTE!  And he just keeps getting cuter.  

Man...times flies by, that's all I can say.  I love this kid so much.  He's funny, smart, artistic, silly,  caring, and determined.  He LOVES school, especially math!  For his special day he choose to eat dinner at Costco, then go play games at Chuckee Cheese!  

 Happy 7th Birthday J.J.!


Holly said...

Did he only have curls as a baby? What a cutie!

Terina said...

Oh that's the JJ we remember, curly haired cutie!! Can't belive he's getting so big.

Angela said...

What a crazy night you had. And what a beautiful baby he was and such a good looking boy he grew up to be. And i love his curls. What a cutie!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love him too...wanting to eat at Costco, that's my kind of kid!!