Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Out of gas...

With everything going on lately, I've felt like I'm running out of gas, in a figurative sense. But that doesn't mean that I needed to run out of gas literally too.

Last Wednesday, I was driving "B" to school. Now, I KNEW I was running low on gas. In fact, I even specifically grabbed my wallet while we were walking out the door, because I planned to stop at the gas station right after I dropped "B" off. But as it turns out, I was too late.

It might be funny to run out of gas when you're in high school, young, stupid, and driving a 15 year old beater car. But not so funny when you're in the left turn lane, directly in front of your son's elementary school, you're in a minivan, you have 2 of your kids in the car...oh yes, and let's not forget the GIANT line behind you of other minivans, SUVs, and even a school bus trying to turn left to get all the rest of the kids to school!

Now I'm catching dirty looks from all the moms behind me, who probably are so on top of things that they had full tanks of gas in their vehicles. I of course turned on my hazards and rolled down the window to try and wave people to go around me. Nobody moved. Meanwhile, I quickly call my sister to come rescue me. "J" was home doped up on drugs and unable to drive! So I didn't know what to do. By now my boys are getting anxious (actually just "B" because that's how he is). It's now 5 minutes before school starts and I still have the school bus trapped behind me! So what do I do? I get out, and try to push this: (this one looks a lot cooler b/c it's black...)

while wearing a pair of these:

(flip flops)

Obviously I was not successful. Those minivans are heavy. I probably moved it about 6 inches. Luckily some man in a business suit pulled over, ran across the street, and helped me get it out of the middle of the road.

So I guess I can check that off on life experiences huh?


Jenny said...

I can only laugh because it was not me! Why didn't someone help you earlier! Someone in the line behind you maybe! People are clueless sometimes! I am sorry, I bet that was stressful.

wendy said...

oh man, that is funny. At least one person was nice enough to help! At least you were dressed(?). My mom got pulled over while driving Kirk to school. She was inher pj's, well actually more of a nightgown.

dm said...

YAY! I get to see your fun blog now!
That is hilarious!!!! I would have been so embarassed I would not have gotten out of the car and made the people behind me get a clue and move or help!!! That is to funny!

Angela said...

Oh my goddness, what an ordeal. That is funny. Ummm I've ran out of gas twice in my drive way the past few years...and i don't even have kids or anything - oops!

Denisse said...

Oooohhhh NO Christy!!!! That really just SUCKS! I'm so sorry that happened!!! How nice of that guy to help you!!!! It's kind of funny to make things even funnier Josh was all drugged up at home!!!!:) Oh man!!!! Good thing your sister came to your rescue!!!:):):):):)

Stella said...

Aww, poor you. And I can tell that you were more worried about all the other cars you blocked than yourself. you are a sweetie. I'm glad Mr. Business suit helped you.

Unknown said...

That's a fun way to start out the morning. I'm sorry that happened - that sounds like something I would do. You are such a good sport!

LBP said...

You should have called me. I would have just rammed the back of your car with my car until I got you to a gas station pump. A nice little bumper car scenario. I am just that kind of a friend.