Saturday, September 15, 2012

The world continues to turn.

I've been wanting to post for a while but haven't really felt like it.  Honestly I've just been too sad.  I did have two grandpas pass away last year but this is the first loss I've ever experienced where the person was both very close to me, and it was totally unexpected.  It's been very difficult for our family and it has been interesting to see how it has affected different areas of our lives.

For me personally, I've become a bit of a space-case!  Which is weird, because I'm normally not a space-case at all.    I've been described as Type-A, but definitely not someone who lets things go.  But now?  I can't seem to get organized.  I have forgotten to pay bills.  I will just stare off into space during the day.  My daily to-do list frequently does not get done.  The house has not been kept up.  Projects are not getting done.  Basically I've been in survival mode.  Don't worry, you won't come over and see a "Hoarders" type situation, or the cupboards bare and the kids running around dirty and disheveled!  But it's given me a new understanding on grief and the different ways it affects people.  I'd like to think I always had compassion for people but my compassion for those who have suffered a loss has definitely increased.

Anyway, we had a busy summer filled with swimming lessons, the boys attended a summer program, we traveled to Utah to visit family and friends, and we even had an awesome friend take some gorgeous family photos!

Hopefully I can get back into the blogging groove because my boys continue to say funny things and do funny things, etc.   I'd like to catch up on everything but we'll see if that happens!  Life moves on even if your heart feels stuck.  We all do the best we can right?  :)