Sunday, April 5, 2009

Most Boring Post Ever.

I have no interesting stories, pictures, or subjects to blog about today. But it's been a really long time since my last blog and I know people are going to stop checking mine soon if I don't step up!

So let's see here...what has been going on the last three weeks... The kids had Spring Break, which was long, boring, and made me really start dreading summer vacation. That sounds terrible, I know. Last summer I had B in a great summer half day camp through the city parks & rec for 8 weeks, which he absolutely LOVED, and which was dirt cheap. I had planned on putting both B and T in the same program this year, but the price has QUINTUPLED since last year! Needless to is not a possibility anymore. Looks like I'll be signing them up for 8 weeks of swimming lessons instead. At least it will get them out of the house so they don't go stir-crazy...but it is guaranteed to give me daily migraines.

We painted our family room last month, finally, after living here for 6 years! I do not know why we didn't do this sooner. It makes a HUGE difference to our house! Next we plan on painting the kitchen/dining area. Pictures will be posted someday, but please don't hold your breath.

Last weekend my computer died. It got a fatal virus, in the form of my 18 month old. Granted, it had been making some strange noises and a couple times a week it would shut off out of nowhere with the "blue screen of death", and I'd lose unsaved work, etc. But I still held onto the hope that it would last another year. The final straw was when S snuck around me and pulled the plug, literally. The stupid thing never turned back on! After a couple hours J was finally able to start it in "safe mode" and we were able to salvage all our pictures and my transcription work (thank goodness). But this meant that Monday morning, I drove around to CompUSA, Staples, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy looking for a deal. Let me tell you how much fun it is to drag 3 crazy hyper boys into Best Buy, to buy a computer. It is NOT fun, not at all. But I think I set some sort of record on how fast you can walk into Best Buy, look at all the computers, pick the best one in your price range, and checkout. 10 minutes.

Which brings me to my next topic. I HATE HATE HATE Windows Vista. It has been nothing but problems! I seriously don't know what I'd do without J. Thank goodness my husband knows how to deal with computers, or we'd be screwed.

Oh! One exciting thing, J turned the big 3-0 last Friday! Finally my boys can stop telling everyone we know that Mommy is 30 but Daddy is only 29... haha!

Well, this will end the most boring post ever on this blog. Hopefully I'll have some interesting ones in the future. After all, my boys never stops saying crazy things, all I need to do is write them down so I don't forget them. For example, when my boys go pee in the potty they tell me they're "making lemonade". And let's not forget that on April Fool's Day, B told me, "Mommy, I destroyed the house, the cops took me to jail, and then I punched them! ....April Fool's!!!" I'm laughing about it now but will I be laughing in 10 years?